Sports Ministries
Sports are big. They’re really big. Some may say that they have always been big, but probably not as big as they are now. The involvement of children and youth in athletic endeavors is worldwide. The interest in sports and recreation is constantly on the rise. In fact many will pass up Sunday and midweek activities at church for sports activities. So what does the church do with all this information?
The church could ignore this cultural phenomenon and miss a great opportunity. Or the church could also cancel everything so that the sports world would take over the spot that only God should occupy. Or the church could realize that the Lord Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith and that He and a great cloud of witnesses watch as we run the race.

Dissertation to book soon
Grace Basketball Association is a Biblically-based, evangelical and in full support of the overall sports ministry of Grace Bible Church. The staff is committed to enriching the lives of the student athletes spiritually, academically and athletically by following the principles of sports ministry from athletic metaphors in the Pauline epistles. Adhering to these principles will enable GBall to maintain a Christ-centered athletic program that honors Christ.
Players typically compete two Sundays a month–connect with Pastor Jason for times and dates.

Through the years there have been special speakers come, 3-on-3 tournaments, an all-star game of seasoned players from over the years of GBall’s existence, as well as individual opportunities for spiritual growth. The goal of the game is not simply to put a rubber ball through a hoop. The leadership team is highly invested in the young men and women who walk through these doors and concerned about their lives. interviewed three leaders and you can learn more about the heart of the ministry by listening to this podcast.